Hire a Family Law Mediator

Disputes are stressful, but resolution does not have to be. Mediation offers a confidential, private, and flexible setting that lends itself to a more harmonious experience, cost-effective negotiations, and durable resolution.
Here are a few things you may wish to know about mediation with Romanova Family Law:

1) All sessions are virtual. This allows for scheduling flexibility as well as reduction to your overall cost of the process. Not only do you save on travel time to/from an office; if you are represented by an attorney during mediation, you save on legal fees because no travel is involved for your attorney.

2) Depending on the circumstances, your mediation sessions can be scheduled outside of business hours for your convenience.

3) Prior to the first session, you will be asked to provide certain documentation and information in advance. This ensures that the mediator will be fully prepared and well-versed in your issues so that you can hit the ground running from the moment mediation begins. You may feel that you can "tell your story" during mediation, but empowering the mediator with the necessary details of your matter in advance is what will save you on legal fees and get you to resolution quicker.

4) During the session, you and the other party will likely be separated into individual virtual breakout rooms. This is called “caucusing.” Caucusing enables each of you to speak freely about what is important to you and allows the mediator to have a vantage point from which an agreement can be facilitated. The mediator will not disclose to the other party any details/facts that you wish to share confidentially.

5) While you are strongly encouraged to have an attorney during the process, this is not required. Please keep in mind, however, that a mediator cannot provide you with legal advice, which means that the mediator cannot opine on whether you are “getting a good deal.”

6) Once you will have reached a tentative agreement on all the issues in your matter, the mediator can - at your request - prepare a Term Sheet, a comprehensive Marital Settlement Agreement, Consent Judgment, or Consent Order, depending on the particular circumstances of your matter. You can make this decision at the onset of the mediation process or wait until you will have reached a tentative decision on all the issues.

Feel free to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss the mediation process in more detail. This will also provide you with an opportunity to pose any clarification questions about the mediation process.

If you are ready to retain and proceed with scheduling your first mediation session, please click here.