General Consultation

Maybe you are feeling that something has been off in your relationship for months or years. Maybe you are at a point where you acknowledge that something is amiss in your relationship. Maybe you have had enough and are ready to move on but uncertain as to the next step. Whatever brings you here, to this feeling and to this page, it’s the first step to getting clarity. Nobody likes feeling confused and uncertain but muscling your way through on your own may feel insurmountable. I’ve been there; and I get it. And, most importantly, I can help you start organizing your thoughts so you can forge a plan for your future, whatever it may be.

When relationship troubles take a turn, some people seek the help of psychotherapy whether individually or as a couple: hoping to either save their relationship, or try to determine if the issue is temporary or the end of an era. Even so, the nagging questions of “what would divorce look like for me? For us? For our children?” are often in the background, fogging your ability to think clearly and paralyzing your ability to move forward. You have no idea where to start.

I know how to help you get clarity and make a plan. With the full appreciation that divorce may not be your goal right now or in the near future, if at all, I can help you work your way through the "what ifs" to bring clarity and to aid your decision-making. And, if you would like, I can also refer you to some wonderful psychotherapists (couples or individual) who may be able to help you navigate your relationship challenges and guide you towards healing and a healthy future.

If you would like to schedule a consultation, please click here.